
13 abril 2023


💜ELEVEN - Riyu Dress.
🔥Available on Mainstore!
💜Compatible: Maitreya, Legacy, Beleza Gen X Curve, Reborn.


💜RAWR! Sakura Nails
🔥Exclusive to the Inithium Event!
🔥Open April 13th!
💜After Event Available on Mainstore
💜Compatible: Maitreya, Legacy, Kupra, Reborn, Khara.
💜Full color change HUD
💜13 Nail and 13 Tips Color Option.


💜AYO // Bloom // Animesh handbag.
🔥New Release Available at Anthem Event!
💜2 Size: Small and Large
💜2 Hand Bento animations
💜Customizable option with a hud
💜9 leathers bag colors
💜6 flowers
💜5 metals


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